Sustainable Community Designation
In August 2018, the State of Maryland designated the Town of Eagle Harbor as a new Sustainable Community. The Sustainable Communities Act of 2010
established a shared geographic designation to promote the efficient use of scarce State resources based on local sustainable and revitalization strategies.
The Sustainable Communities Program provides access to a comprehensive set of revitalization resources, creating a revitalization "toolbox" for local
governments. The Governor's Smart Growth Subcabinet was designated as the body charged with final approval of Sustainable Communities designations.
Sustainable Community Areas are places where private and public partnerships and investments are achieved. Eagle Harbor was a candidate for this program
because of its geographic area with an existing environment in need of revitalization and additional state investment. Eagle Harbor is a waterfront community
faced with the challenges of climate change, natural disasters and natures evolution. Eagle Harbor's
Sustainability Plan outlines the Town's strategies for local revitalization initiatives
to strenthen the community and improve public amenities. It is a roadmap on how the Town plans to become a sustainable and resilient community.
To obtain information on Eagle Harbor's Sustainable Community designation, visit the State of Maryland's Department of Housing and Community Development website to review
Eagle Harbor's Sustainability Communities Application
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23308 Hawkins Drive, Aquasco, MD 20608-0028