I have two big updates!
But first roll the video!
I will be featured in a gallery show in New York City later this year or early next year! I cannot tell you how excited I am about this.
I'm thinking about inviting a group from DC to go to the opening in New York. Interested? I'll keep you updated and details come available.
I will start selling on Amazon in the coming weeks. I need your help on this, however. I have to decide which products to offer first.
The choice is between (1) greeting cards or (2) canvas prints.
I'd love to hear from you. Please click here to tell me what you think.
The choices are #1 Greeting Cards/Note Cards or #2 Canvas Prints. Also feel free to leave a comment if you have some other cool idea!
Thank you for supporting me. You are incredible. I look forward to seeing you in person soon! I will also keep you up to date as
I make progress on the New York show and Amazon.
To learn more about Marvin Bowser Photography check out my portfolio.
Here's the link to my online shop

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