Welcome from the Mayor

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven: Founded upon the pursuit of African Americans who simply desired a place of acceptance — from such inception, generations who long preceded, has emerged this season of posterity. Forever a place, granted upon the ideal whose time has come wherein all peoples, regardless of creed or color, might experience resort–style living, and birthed from a history of segregated beaches where blacks could not swim, the Town of Eagle Harbor, Maryland welcomes you.

Noah E. Waters, PhD

Homegrown Eagle Harbor

Sisters in Law Enforcement Featuring the Savoy Sisters

Mayor Waters joins speakers for River Cleanup

Dear Townspeople,

The Town of Eagle Harbor is gaining more help, benefits, and positive attention. It was an honor to be invited and on Tuesday, March 14th to speak alongside federal and municipal partners and distinguished guests, Maryland Congressman Glen Ivey, Laurel Mayor Craig Moe, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Representative Carmera Thomas-Wilhite, and River Keeper Fred Tutman. With volunteers, staff, community members, and media, we met at the Patuxent River in Laurel to pick up trash and commemorate the 26th Anniversary of the International Day of Action for Rivers.

In line with these efforts, federal grant monies are being sought to cleanup Maryland’s rivers and the Town of Eagle Harbor will be represented in those dollars. I encourage your continued support, considering the Town of Eagle Harbor is being offered unprecedented funding, programs, and assistance. The first Mayor to live in the Town in well-over 17 years, along with residents, I experience and feel the needs of the Town together with you.

We are in a season of abundance.

We are stronger together,
Noah Waters, Ph.D.
Town of Eagle Harbor, Maryland

Link to media coverage: https://fb.watch/jhJg4--Iag/

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23308 Hawkins Drive, Aquasco, MD 20608-0028